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How to Put Off Your Trim for as Long as Possible | Elemo hair

How to Put Off Your Trim for as Long as Possible | Elemo hair

How often should I get a trim?
Everyone's hair is different; you may need a trim every 4 to 6 weeks and the next one can go 8 to 12 weeks. It all depends. Below are some tips for giving your ends a longer life span and putting off your trim for as long as possible.
The key to preventing frequent trims is to take care of your ends. Here are my recommendations:

1. Apply penetrating oils for moisture
Use penetrating oils like argan, avocado, coconut, sunflower, or olive oil to protect your hair strands from the inside out and help retain moisture.

2. Apply a sealing oil
Use coating and sealing oils like castor, jojoba, shea, and safflower to lock in or seal in all the wonderful moisture.
Great oils to choose from are Moisture Love Seal With A Kiss Finishing Oil, Obia Naturals Argan Rose Hair Oil, or AfroVeda Pitta CocoLatte Moisture Cream.
A word of caution: depending on your hair type and porosity, your recommended amounts of the oils may vary.

3. Rock a protective style on healthy hair
When your hair is in a protective style you aren't fiddling with your ends. Always opt to use penetrating and coating oils before you get a protective style.

4. Before you wear your hair down...
If you do opt to wear your hair down, be cautious of the material you are wearing. This may seem like something small, but if you are wearing thick t-shirt, wool, or tweed (just name a few), and your hair is rubbing against that all day, you are pretty much telling your hair to split right on up. Pull your hair up during the day if you are in the office at your computer. I know, it's your hair…so you can decide if you want to swing it all day every day or constantly trim it.

5. Step away from the heat!
I'm not saying that you cannot do the occasional heat styling, but understand that too much heat will fry your ends. If you are a natural with color-treated hair, you are more susceptible to splitting more frequently. If you must apply heat, try Cantu Thermal Shield Heat Protectant or Alterna Bamboo Smooth Kendi Treatment.

Susy put it very well when she said, "Love your hair and love yourself."
Nurture, love, and trim your hair and it will grow.
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